The Order of Franciscan Penitents

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903 Old Hwy 63
Columbia, Missouri 65201

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Tues. & Thurs. Mass: noon
Wed. Evening Prayer: 6 p.m.

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August 25 - September 1, 2024


Friar's Footnotes by Fr. John Prenger, OFP

Hi everyone!  I trust that God is blessing you and that you are rendering God the praise that is due!

We are approaching Labor Day weekend, which is a kind of official end to summer.  Our upcoming readings are Deuteronomy 4: 1-2 (3-4) 6-9; Psalm 15; James 1: 13-18; and Mark 7: 14-23.  The first reading tells us to be careful not to add to or take away from THE WORD of God.  We are to emphasize fidelity to what God has commanded in the TORAH and we will demonstrate great wisdom.  (Sounds like a good word for today as there are many so-called Christians that are not observably acting like Jesus.)

This section of the letter of  St. James strongly emphasizes that God tempts no one and that each of us are drawn toward evil by our own desires and cravings.  True wisdom comes from the truth given to us by the Father of Lights and it behooves us to seek it.

The gospel (which leaves The Bread of Life discourse in John 6 of the last several weeks) has us back in Mark 7.  This is the section that highlights that nothing that we eat could defile us.  Rather it is the junk that comes out of us : "evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, the evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness" (Mark 7: 21-22).  THESE DEFILE US!!  God help us guard our minds and hearts and help us attain the mind of Christ.

Chapel Schedule
Noon Tuesday Eucharist (August 27), Fr. John presiding
Noon Thursday Eucharist (August 29), Fr. Jim presiding
5 pm Saturday Eucharist (August 31), Fr. John presiding


"God became what we are that we might become what God is"  St Iranaeus

"There are those who seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge; that is curiosity.  There are those who seek knowledge to be known by others, that is vanity.  There are those who seek knowledge in order to serve; that is love."  St. Bernard of Clarveaux

"I saw Him (Jesus) large, benevolent, loving and merciful, and I decided to serve no one but Him, who has everything necessary to fill my heart."  St Maria Micaela Desmaisieres, a French saint of the 1800's.

That does it for me.  I hope you have a good week and an enjoyable holiday weekend.  Love to all,

Fr. John ofp



Padre’s Pontifications by Fr. Jim McNeely

August 2024

My sincerest greetings to all of you!

I’ve been down most of this week with a good case of food poisoning that really kicked my hiney. So this month’s stuff will be short.

1. What’s God teaching me lately: Accountability. With all of the moral failures happening to pastors in Institutional Churchworld lately, I’m reminded that all of us need to be accountable for how we live our lives. We all need some form of spiritual direction to help keep us focused and doing what we should. And even though we are not a parish with its normal systems to help keep community standards clear and supported, we are a community of love and care. I, for one, hope that we can be open enough to each other that we can receive encouragement and admonition.

2. Book Recommendation: _Leading Change_ by John Kotter. This is not a Christian book per se. But it is helpful for us to understand what happens in communities when change becomes necessary, how to engage change, and what we can expect to happen when change occurs. I don’t become prophetic very often, but one thing is certain to me…changes they are a comin’!!

3. Overheard at the Franciscan Penitent Chapel:

Fr. John: I’m 76 years old!

Fr. Jim: Dang, you are old!

Fr. John: Dang, you are bald!

Amen, Reverend. Amen :)

4. Lastly, as we come to the end of the Season of Pentecost, the readings will get more of a bite to them…and we will start moving more to the promises of the future. I encourage you to use the weekly lectionary to help shape your ongoing discipleship…and remember that our Lord was, is, and will always be faithful!

-Your Servant in Jesus

Dr. Jim McNeely+
Parent, Priest, Person