The Order of Franciscan Penitents

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Franciscan Chapel
903 Old Hwy 63
Columbia, Missouri 65201

Saturday Mass: 5 p.m.
Tues. & Thurs. Mass: noon
Wed. Evening Prayer: 6 p.m.

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March 9-16, 2025

Friar's Footnotes by Fr. John Prenger, OFP


Hi and Blessings!

We are well into our Lenten season.  I hope the focus on deepening our relationships with God and those around us is going well.  The readings for our upcoming week are: Genesis 15: 4-18; Psalm 27; Philippians 3: 17-4:1; Luke 13: 22-30.   (Reminder: this upcoming second week for the Roman Catholic calendar always has reflection on the Lord's Transfiguration in the gospel: Luke 9: 28-36.) 
The first reading centers on God's  covenant with Abram, that he would be the Father of an immense multitude.  We are benefactors of that covenant, as we have been grafted in.
The Philippians reading calls us to stand fast in our heavenly citizenship letting the Lord transform us.
Our gospel is the very Lenten call to 'try to enter through the narrow heavenly gate'.  We do that by redoubling our effort to faithfully  obey Jesus' teachings as we hear them in the gospels.

Chapel Schedule
Noon Tuesday Eucharist (March 11), Fr. John presiding
Noon Thursday Eucharist (March 13), Fr. John presiding
5 pm Saturday Eucharist (March 15), Fr. John presiding
*******FRATERNITY BUSINESS MEETING on GO TO MEETING at 7:30pm on this THIRD SATURDAY of the month******

"Jesus Christ has given us the precious gift of His Heart, for from no one else can you learn holiness,He being the inexhaustible source of true holiness" St Teresa Verzeri, Italian foundress of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart.

"First they came for the Communists
  And I did not speak out
  Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
  And I did not speak out
  Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
  And I did not speak out
  Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
  And I did not speak out
  Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
  And there was no one left
  To speak out for me."   Lutheran German pastor  Martin Niemoller, arrested and imprisoned by the Nazis

"Patience is good, but perseverance is better."  St. Maria Antonia de Paz  of Argentina in the 1700's

 FYI,  the 11th annual FORCOLUMBIA day of volunteering is Saturday April 26.  Lots of ways to serve, even being part of prayer teams.  I have participated most of the 11 years.  Consider joining me.  Info cards at the chapel.

Much love.


Fr. John ofp



Padre’s Pontifications by Fr. Jim McNeely

November 2024

1.        Check in regularly to . I pontificate there too :)

2.        Recently, our bishop – Michael Davidson – sent a message to the clergy of the diocese. We are meeting in March to discuss many items of importance to the denomination, the diocese, and us as a community. Let me make a recommendation to you: If you are a lay person, please feel free to share your ideas about the direction of the CEC and the diocese. I’m sure he would love to hear your thoughts. His email address is

3.        In October, I sent an email to the community about buying a gift for Fr. John. It’s not too late if you want to donate!

4.        This month begins my third year being with the community. Please know how honored I am to be a part of this group. That I get to function as a priest here is whipped cream and a cherry on the top! J

5.        As you continue in your prayers, I ask that you remember me, a sinner and your servant in Christ Jesus. Your outpouring of love to me at the 29th anniversary of my ordination was meaningful and touching.

6.        This is my final edition of Padre’s Pontifications for this year. Next month I go for my semi-regular prayer retreat. I plan to be at Conception Abbey for a short time of intense prayer and spiritual reading. I plan to spend specific time asking God for discernment for my life in the future.

7.        My prayers are yours.

Dr. Jim McNeely+
Parent, Priest, Person

  • 2025 Diocesan Cycle of Prayer at the Central Diocese Web site