December 15-22, 2024
Friar's Footnotes by Fr. John Prenger, OFP
Advent greetings to all!
Our upcoming scriptures for the Fourth weekend Eucharist are Micah 5: 2-5a; Psalm 80; Hebrews 10: 5-10; and Luke 1: 39-45 (46-55). Now in the fourth weekend scriptures we come to the other person of focus for the season: the Lord's Mother and the model she is for our Advent preparation. The Micah reading prophesies the centrality of Bethlehem for the coming Shepherd-King. The Hebrews reading tells of the One Coming and His completion of the Old Covenant and His bringing of the New Covenant. The gospel speaks of pregnant Mary's Visitation of Elizabeth and giving us of the magnificent prayer: the Magnificat. Wonderful texts as we draw near to Christmas!
Chapel Schedule
Noon Eucharist Tuesday, December 17, Fr. Jim presiding
Noon Eucharist Thursday, December 19, Fr. John presiding
5 pm Saturday Eucharist, December 21, Fr. Jim presiding
7pm Tuesday Christmas Eve Eucharist, December 24, Fr. John presiding
(Note Well: No Eucharist on Thursday December 26)
5 pm Saturday Eucharist, December 28, Fr. John presiding.
Some important news:
Sometime on the evening of Friday December 13 and morning of December 14, Richard McDermott, the husband of our sister, Sondra McDermott ofp, went home to His Lord. We hold her in prayer as she and the cathedral community celebrate his life. As I write this, we have no details when the Eucharist will be celebrated honoring his life. We thank God for Richard and what he meant to so many. Richard, rest in the peace of Christ. Sondra, may you know the peace and consolation of Christ.
This weekend WOULD be our business meeting on Go To Meeting. I am the only one free to run the meeting by computer on Saturdays, and this weekend I must be at my son Micah's house blessing and housewarming right after our Saturday Eucharist. SO.. I asked Sheryl to go ahead and prepare our monthly financial report, which she has already sent. And when we have our usual FIRST TUESDAY FRATERNITY FELLOWSHIP meeting on ZOOM on Tuesday January 7 at 7 pm, we will probably have some business to take care of. If there are questions about her report, address them to her please.
"Christ is the Morning Star, who, when the night of this world is past, gives to His saints the promise of the light of life, and opens everlasting day." Venerable Bede, Church Historian of the English People in the early middle ages.
"Where there is no love, put love, and you will draw out love." St John of the Cross
"Let me be clear: the love about which I am speaking is not something limp, a matter of vaguely liking another, or an emotional involvement, or a feeling. It is, rather, a demanding taskmaster; it will require me to love my enemy. It effects a change of heart. Cardinal Basil Hume, Benedictine Archbishop of Westminster in the UK
May the rest of your Advent preparation be a blessing.
Fr. John ofp
Padre’s Pontifications by Fr. Jim McNeely
November 2024
1. Check in regularly to . I pontificate there too :)
2. Recently, our bishop – Michael Davidson – sent a message to the clergy of the diocese. We are meeting in March to discuss many items of importance to the denomination, the diocese, and us as a community. Let me make a recommendation to you: If you are a lay person, please feel free to share your ideas about the direction of the CEC and the diocese. I’m sure he would love to hear your thoughts. His email address is
3. In October, I sent an email to the community about buying a gift for Fr. John. It’s not too late if you want to donate!
4. This month begins my third year being with the community. Please know how honored I am to be a part of this group. That I get to function as a priest here is whipped cream and a cherry on the top! J
5. As you continue in your prayers, I ask that you remember me, a sinner and your servant in Christ Jesus. Your outpouring of love to me at the 29th anniversary of my ordination was meaningful and touching.
6. This is my final edition of Padre’s Pontifications for this year. Next month I go for my semi-regular prayer retreat. I plan to be at Conception Abbey for a short time of intense prayer and spiritual reading. I plan to spend specific time asking God for discernment for my life in the future.
7. My prayers are yours.
Dr. Jim McNeely+
Parent, Priest, Person